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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  July 24, 2011 4:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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>> gregg: hello, i'm gregg jarrett. welcome to a brand-new hour inside america's news headquarters. >> heather: i'm heather childers. new news about the deadly attacks in norway including the special bullet that the suspect used to cause maximum damage to his victims. >> parts of the country getting relief from the massive heat wave but others will have to suffer a few more days through it. we'll get a live report from the
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state of texas. >> heather: and new hope for the n.f.l. lockout. will america's favorite sport be back on the gridiron soon? >> gregg: we begin with a sunday show down, democrats and republicans huddled in crisis talks at an impasse over spending and trying to averted what the treasury-secretary has called a catastrophic default on the u.s. debt all before the government runs out of money to pay some of its bills a week from tuesday. mike has more. plenty of frustration to go around and anger but any sign of a deal however limited or tentative? >> you sense notifies here in washington as a lot of principals are working on this sunday trying to figure out what the plan could be. that would have enough votes to get through conscious and get to the president's desk to avoid
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this debt crisis show down. you get a sense of frufx everybody has been working on it for months. here is tim geithner. >> here we are 7 months later, we are running out of runway. i never thought they would take it this close to the edge and let politics get in the way of not paying our bills on time. >> reporter: other bit of concern when the white house it has been this much politics in 2011, there will be more politics in 2012 why they are going to need some kind of plan that will carry the nation's debt through the election next year into early 2013. >> gregg: speaker john boehner has been talking about a two stage process. what is the white house saying about that. isn't bill daley shooting that one down? >> it's interesting from the beginning, president obama has said he would like a big plan in terms of making substantial cuts
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to show we are serious about cutting the deficit. he would also like us to carry the nation through the 2012 election, but today the white house chief of staff was asked about the two-stage or two-tier plan. here is how he responded. >> if there are two steps fine, but do not of a step in the second part that lets the political system show us dysfunction. get this deficit ceiling put off perhaps after the election but more importantly putting that off and giving certainty and lifting the cloud of default is begin a serious discussion and action on the deficit. >> reporter: so the way things stand, there are conversations going on the hill and lawmakers on the hill. at this point it's not clear necessity can achieve a breakthrough. the stumbling block continues to be revenues or cutting tax loopholes, however you want to look at it. >> gregg: asian markets will be
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open shortly. market reaction to a deal or no deal. thank you very much. catch more of chris wallace interview with john boehner and he talked to the treasury-secretary geithner. tune in after we go on off the air at 6:00 p.m. right here on the fox news channel. >> heather: a fox news alert, police in norway saying the man who has confessed to killing at least 93 people could be in court as early as monday. investigators now taking a closer look at a nearly 2,000 page man at the time oh that was written by the suspect. part diary, part political ideology, his writings offer on glimpse in the deranged planning that went into this weekend's attack. gregburk is streaming live from oslo, norway. >> reporter: if you are interested in criminal psychology or getting in the
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mind of a psychopath you have a lot of material to work with all that the suspect in this case left. it really a ton of it out there. police saying today that he claims he was acting alone but they are still checking that out. another thing that police are saying he did have a lot of ammunition with him when he was caught. there is some debate about how long it took police to get him and amplify apprehend him. once they did he put down his gun. survivors from the island massacre they spoke of a man who may have been crazy but certainly didn't looks like it as he was shooting people one by one. one of the young persons shot in the shoulder it didn't seem real while it was happening and it still doesn't. >> he yelled out he was going to kill us all. this was our night to die.
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>> reporter: service at the lutheran cathedral this morning, it was called a service of grief and hope. this nation trying to make some sense of this massacre certainly still a lot more grief than hope at this time. finally he is expected in court tomorrow. interesting thing he has confessed and yet will plead not guilty, he admits to what happened but doesn't consider eight crime so that is another thing to deal with. norway doesn't have the death penalty. longest could be 21 years although legal experts there is a clause which says if someone is a menace to society he can be kept in jail. >> heather: we'll see what happens next. >> gregg: nato launching brand the new airstrikes targeting khadafy's compound. explosions rock the city for the 2nd night in a row. weeks of intense bombing is
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inflicts go very heavy damage on the fortified compound. classifying that site as military command center so it's technically eligible for strikes. massive assault as libya's government appears to be willing to talk to the united states and the rebels but the libyan government insisting that khadafy will not step down. >> heather: and crackdown intensifies in syria. army troops storming a village in the northwest part of the country taking control of the neighborhoods and arrest tichk protestors. they have been conducting operations for weeks trying to crush one of the centers of the uprising. demonstrators say that tanks fired on a telecommunications tower and security forces cut off water to the village. >> oppressive heat blanketing the northeast but the deadly heat wave slowly coming to an end only in spots bringing temperatures down to some normal
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levels but the high heat in the southern plains in texas, wow, threatening lives there as well as the crops. dominic from our affiliate in houston joins us. how bad is it? >> reporter: we actually got a little bit of cloud cover and the heat isn't as bad. the heat isn't what is wreaking havoc here in houston because we are sort of used to hundred degree heat it's the extremely dry conditions that is really causing a lot of trouble. this is the one of driest periods on record. we haven't had much rain since october. that is causing quite a bit of trouble. yes, we are getting sweaty and sticky here in houston but the lack of rain that is causing so much trouble. we've had more than 3 million acres of land that have burned so far. lots of wildfires, thousands of
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wildfires across houston and across texas. we've had more than six water main breaks because the ground is so dry it's causing pipes to bursts. some of the foundations are cracking and breaking on people's homes. this is really a tough time for us. we were driving down the road the other day and the photographer saw a drip on the windshield. he said what is that? that is rain. that is how many people feel about rain because we haven't seen it for months. everywhere you go the grass is brown and burned up. that is really causing a lot of trouble. also for farmers because crops are drying up and there is no green pastures for livestock to graze on. the good news we haven't had any heat-related deaths so far but we're asked to conserve energy because everybody is working their air-conditioning overtime. we are being asked to try to cut down on electricity if possible. there has been a burn ban in
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place for months. you are not allowed to burn any trash, we weren't even allowed to use fireworks in july because the ground is so dry. some prayer groups have been coming together and praying for rain. we'll see if it works. >> gregg: thank you very much. >> heather: a deal on airfare that seems too good to be true, it turns out it is. prices for plane tickets were expected to hit rock bottom after the faa shut down this weekend. now major airlines are jacking up the price scrambling to stay afloat as thousands of faa workers go without paychecks. peter doocy in washington. >> a handful of federal taxes on plane tickets just expired, that means cheap airfare, right? not if you are flying on american airlines or u.s. airways. because congress was not able to keep the faa running they had to
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furlough 4,000 employees and some federal taxes are being taken off the top. american and u.s. airways will pay the same price because those carriers jacked up their fares so prices will remain the same and they will pocket the difference. southwest and air tran praised about $8. spear customers won't see them budge a penny. we heard the big problem with faa is purely political. >> the american people are paying thousand dollars in tickets in sub disfrom people that riding were six passengers on a plane when they could drive an hour and a half and get an airplane and we wouldn't be paying the thousand dollars. it is continued waste in the federal government. >> the chief of staff chose to focus less on waste and more on what he sees as republicans blocking an important bill. >> this dispute between the house and senate broke down and
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4,000 people were laid off on friday because of a political inability for the us house and senate to get together. the republicans in the house says it's our way or sorry. 4,000 people are laid off. that is not the way the government is supposed to work. >> reporter: air traffic controllers will not be affected by any of this mess. >> heather: peter doocy reporting from washington, thanks. >> gregg: an important meeting for professional football players and their fans are set tomorrow in washington. it could determine whether the n.f.l. walkout is near and end. julie banderas who lives for football is live in our new york newsroom. >> julie: you read my mind. i'm a bit of an expert. things are looking up for fans like myself. on day 131 of the walkout it seems like the league's owners have reached an agreement on the remaining points on the ten-year labor deal.
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they passed a 31-0 with one abstention which means that it's coming to a close and football is coming back. should the players committee accept the deal? it would go to 32 team representatives to approve and then the players would vote with simple majority to require for passage. on monday, n.f.l. executive committee will vote collective bargaining agreement. wednesday players from some teams report to facilities and vote whether to recertify the association as a union. then on friday the remaining players vote whether to approve recertification. if the n.f.l. pa receives the majority vote then it would recertify as a union. are you getting this? on saturday, free agency starts and teams can officially sign
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players organization saturday the beginning of the new year and training camps will be opening on the same day. by rule, training camps can't start until the new league starts. that is all i have to say about it. >> gregg: i'm going give you a pop quiz at the end of the hour. >> you will be pulling off your sweaty shin guards. >> julie: i was asked to put that in somewhere. we have on a solemn moment add new york's ground zero as the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks nears. the cross shaped steel beam recovered from the world trade center. today the 17-foot ten ton piece have metal was moved to the permanent home. national 9/11 memorial and museum. the cross will be on view to the
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public when the museum opens this year. >> gregg: new details on a pair of mysterious deaths at a world famous mansion in california. after the death and son and girlfriend of a pharmaceutical ceo, what investigators believe may hold clues in this bizarre case. >> heather: and on capitol hill, whether gop will have be having a last minute call on the debt crisis. why researchers thing thi one of the greatest hollywood honors for women could actually be a curse. ♪ ♪ my doctor told me calcium
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>> heather: a look at today's headlines, in norway police are citing a manifest on foe and in it the mass murderer rants against muslim immigration and bomb and death attack has risen to 93. a man is accused of shooting seven people in casino. he opened fire when he spotted his wife or girlfriend with another man. hundreds are saying i do as of midnight in new york. same-sex couples can get marriage licenses and get married in the state. >> gregg: congressional leaders are hoping to get an outline of
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a debt deal in place before the asian markets open up and first begin trading about 5:00 p.m. eastern time. what happens if nothing significant is hammered out before then? >> rick devalvo former director of morgan stanley. how will the markets react? >> i think they will react but not overreact. we have heard about asia, take a look, friday alone because they thought a deal was going to get done, the markets jumped 2.1% on the hang seng. so if nothing does happen you might see sell-off but see some normalcy. >> gregg: if the markets thought there was debt defaulted crisis, why would the treasury be so low at 3%? >> absolutely. you bring up an interesting
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point. last week $28 billion in treasurys were sold. the interest rate .005. so in terms of dollars, every million dollars, that is $50 of interest. >> gregg: tim geithner says over and over again, failure to raise the limit would precipitated a default by the united states. i'm not sure that is true. here is why. i crunched the numbers. this is revenue less cost on a monthly basis. look at that. your debt interest payments $29 billion, social security, medicare, medicaid, $50 billion, military pay 3 billion and total that up, total cost is $134 billion but revenue of $200 billion you got $66 billion left over. there is no reason to default on our debt, is there? >> no there isn't.
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social security payments actually can accrue, they don't have to default. you can pay them couple months later. so i think it's a big deal and s&p 500 is doing some things, i don't think it's a big a deal as people think it is. it's a negotiation ploy to get things happen faster. >> gregg: we've missed the debt ceiling in three years. in 1995, then treasury-secretary said all the bond market will be impaired for 20 years. guess what? we missed the debt ceiling and didn't raise it for five long months. not only did the markets really not react but the impasse was followed by balanced budgets and a huge growth in our economy. so maybe history teaches us this isn't such a big deal? >> it's not. understand something that the
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since the early 1960s the debt ceiling has raised 74 times. we're not saying no to the current administration. we're saying no to the way the spending is going on. there is a big difference. i'll continue that and you made a comment about the economy and interest rates in terms of what is happening. understand why is it that countries such as china and japan who have $2 trillion of our debt, why is it they are happy to buy at zero interest? they are buying the country and economy and world leadership. they are not buying the treasury performance they are buying our country's performance. >> gregg: legendary investor stanley drukenmiller he says it's not going to be catastrophic. he says the bigger danger than a technical default is raising the debt ceiling without any conditions to control spending. he is right? >> he is right. i'll take it further. what is wall street wants? wall street doesn't want answers
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they want clarity. show a flame work. i think we'll be fine. >> gregg: thank you on. >> heather: new details of two deaths of a pharmaceutical executive. you may remember the girlfriend found dead hanging from a balcony in the mansion. six-year-old son apparently died from a fall down the stairs inside the home. casey stegall joins us live in los angeles. what is the latest? >> reporter: as of right now first of all we should tell you that no arrests have been made in either of the deaths but there is one person at the center of both of them. that is in this man. jona and he is the founder of the mup multimillion dollar pharmaceutical company and the father of max who reportedly fell down the grand staircase o at his san diego mansion.
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six-year-old died from his injuries after being in the hospital for nearly a weekly. but here is where things really get strange. during that time the pharmaceutical tycoon's younger brother found rebecca, jonas, girlfriend she was hanging from the balcony with her hands and her feet bound. the same mansion where jonas son fell down the stairs two days before. authorities won't elaborate on their investigation or name anyone as a suspect but listen to this. they are reporting that investigators want to get a hold of a surveillance video at the children's hospital where max was being treated because jonas told police that is where he was when his girlfriend's body was discovered. so clearly questions remain regarding the circumstances of her death. of her sister talking to the press in fact saying, quote, obviously the investigation is
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not complete yet, but as far as what i know about my sister, my sister did not commit a suicide. my sister was not depressed. my sister was not frantic. my sister was planning to call my parents the next day. now, investigators are waiting on toxicology results to come in before and official cause of death is determined in that case. meantime, jonas has left the state of california and gone back to another home of his in scottsdale, arizona. scottsdale is where the pharmaceutical company is headquartered. very bizarre and really something that you would read out of a novel or see in a movie. >> heather: a crime scene you see on tv. >> gregg: house speaker john boehner is vowing to move forward on the debt crisis. making a group phone call on the gop. his message to party members.
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>> heather: and despite high unemployment and economic uncertainty, president obama is is's job approval rating, they haven't gone down much. >> gregg: sad death of a young singer, we're learning more about amy winehouse leading up to her death. >> everybody has some kind of addiction but that she gets over it and move on and make some more music.
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>> gregg: time for the top of the news, police in norway pouring over a 1500 page manifest oh reportedly written by the suspect in the attack in oslo. in it the author rages against muslim immigration and promises revenge. >> forecasters say the heat wave torching the eastern u.s. may be
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on the verge of subsiding. highs could go back down in the 80s on monday. >> gregg: the mother saying amy winehouse was not well the day she died. an autopsy is scheduled to take place tomorrow. >> heather: some brand-new details of the did he live ceiling showdown in washington. a phone call being made to the gop. house speaker john boehner trying to piece together the framework of the plan for the u.s. to pay its bills and slash spending. steve is live in washington. it has been a busy day in d.c. where with do we stand? >> we had the speaker arriving on capitol hill and conference call among gop members. it's underway right now presumably because it was scheduled for 4:30. one source says they had deadlocked over the speaker's
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insist tins on short term agreement. this is the point over taxes and revenues. president wants a plan that extends past the november election year, past the november election date and into 2013. boehner accuses the president because of that of putting politics ahead of the people. >> there is going to be a two-stage process. it's not physically possible to do all of this in one step. having said that, chris, i know the president is worried about the next election. my good, shouldn't he be worried about the country. >> reporter: another unand question, the speaker can come up with any democratic support for whatever plan he might unveil and appease the tea party republicans that have opposed any new taxes. >> heather: what are the democrats saying about prospects for a deal?
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>> reporter: they say there is a hope for a deal but they support the president in pushing for a longer term agreement in order to avoid election year politics and market jitters and economic fallout on the way. here is dick durbin on that. >> a short term extension of the debt ceiling is going to jeopardize our economy at time when the global economy is so weak, when we are facing a downgrade of america's credit rating they have warned us not to do it the speaker boehner is ignoring the warning. >> reporter: republicans have the conference call underway now. >> heather: let us know steve. >> gregg: given the state of the u.s. economy president obama has a relatively high approval rating. latest gallup poll finds the number near 47%. that is much higher than some
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analysts say it should be compared to other presidents running for will reelection at this point in their first term. here to talk about it. former clinton pollster, down shone. let me start with you. no other president has done well as president obama when the public is as unhappy with the u.s. economy. do the numbers of president and reagan dipped into the 30% range. how do you account for president obama's numbers? >> first, gregg, his numbers are starting to come down slowly as the debt ceiling plays itself out. more generally to your question, people want the president to succeed. they like him personally. they want america to succeed with our first african-american president. they are just disappointed he hasn't made the progress that his 2008 campaign suggested he
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hoped to make. ultimately they are giving him the benefit of the doubt, but i suspect if this crisis plays itself out as it is, his numbers will start to decline and probably decline pretty significantly. >> gregg: we'll talk a little more about that. frank, i want to go 16% of americans think things are not going well or think things are going well. that is only 16%. that is incredibly low. logically and historically president obama's numbers should be extremely low and yet they are really not. is that because of this next poll we'll put occupy the screen 54% blame the poor economy on president bush. only 27% blame president obama. is that the reason? >> first of all, wouldn't you like to meet one of those 16%. they are the most optimistic in
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the country but i agree with a lot what doug said. the country wants this to the succeed. he a charismatic guy, he a beautiful family. >> gregg: they like him. >> that's right. they like him. and there are a lot of people that are reluctant to conclude he is not up to the job. >> gregg: but do they believe the argument that white house makes, i inherited this mess, it was huge mess. maybe i can't fix it in the short term. i can in the long term if you re-elect me. >> these gets traction with that but with every passing month, it becomes less and less important. come november of 2012, i don't think outside of his base there is going to be a lot of people that are going to be persuaded by that argument. i think the problem is most americans just don't think that
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the president's program is going to work even during reagan's time and clinton's time, people felt that the economy would get better. i don't think a lot of people think that right now which is why he may have problems in the future. >> gregg: are the real clear politics approval rating shows the president's numbers are falling, in fact falling about 6% since the debt ceiling crisis begin to crystalize. pelg any into a nan wrote a column. that fall from 52% to 46% exactly tracks president obama's heightened media presence and increased attempt of being dominant. are americans turned off what his public posturing and overexposed? >> i think that the type of exposure is not serving him well
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say in contrast to republicans. he is looks relatively better to a republican party as you suggest to frank is both blamed for the current crisis and has not offered any real alternatives to the broad mass of the american people except over those the democrats have proposed. its play on both houses. i think ultimately the president is overexposed. republicans arguably even more exposed. >> gregg: into a nan made another point, they said if president obama ran today for election he would lose because his job numbers are worse than they appear. maybe that is because of independent voters. he won 52% of them in 2008. take a look at our own fox news poll that just came out. in a match-up with mitt romney, the president is losing independents.
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he only gets 35% of independents that is drop of 17% in that key voting group which often dictates elections. is that what is happening here? the independents are fleeing the president? >> when you match the president against potential opponents he does better than when you match him against a generic republican. so i think that is what they mean when they say his numbers are worse than they appear to be. yeah, i think the republican candidates are not that well known, but come the general election you know that the question that the president is going to have to answer is the question that ronald reagan posed in 1980, are you better off than four years ago? i hope i'm wrong, gregg, but the way the economy seems to be sputtering, it's going to be difficult for the president to answer that in the affirmative. >> gregg: great to see you guys.
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thank you. >> heather: just getting some information from our capitol hill senior producer, that nancy pelosi and harry reid are heading to the white house. they are expected to arrive at 6:00 p.m. eastern. we'll keep you informed on all the breaking details on the debt talks. meanwhile, saying goodbye to borders, going out of business, nothing more than a memory. what does it mean for the future of books? jennifer lopez and marc anthony, history, glamorous couple splitting up. did a hollywood curse have something to do with it? our power panel weighs in. has a best-in-class driving range of over 500 miles per tank. so you can catch morning tee time in pebble beach and the afternoon meeting in losngeles all without running out of gas. st make sure you don't run out of gas.
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>> heather: new questions about the effectiveness of cigarette warning labels. the number of people sha view heavy smoking is bad for your health and this perception is taking hold among teenagers and a young adults and a lot of
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states across the country. are the messages from warnings labels and scientific studies not enough to get through? let's bring in k.t. mcfarland and fox news birthday girl, thanks for being here. you think the ads, scientific research is not going their job? >> i think we have to get young people watching more tv. look at some of these ads they are now showing. they are horrifying. so clearly people are not doing enough eyeballs on the camera. so they can see what happens. >> those graphic advertisements
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didn't work. >> i think this is not bad news. why? if you look at the cancer rates they have gone down and gone down significantly in the last 20 years. i think the reason young people don't realize its health issue, most young people think they are immortal, but they don't know people that died of lung cancer. 20 years everybody knew somebody who had it or died of it. young people don't. so that is testimony the fact that it worked. what has worked is cigarettes are expensive. they are illegal, you can't smoke in most places and no cigarette advertising. >> i think we think cigarette use is going down. in new york on average, it's $10 a pack or something. the survey with the teenagers, i don't know, being truthful. never get it. john stossel did the study
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on cheating, it was interesting he was asking kids and they answered, if they cheat. they said yes, they were being honest about it. >> i think it's a waste of tax dollars. >> when i see they are taxpayer funded, don't people have something better to do. >> heather: we have another topic a panel of medical experts that the government mandate free birth control for all women. insurance companies should cover contra accept activities without co-pays sparking a firestorm of debate. so should the government be involved in it? >> i think its bribe for women to try to get them jump on board with obamacare because we know obamacare is not with the majority of people and try to prop up obama's polls because his polls are going down because of the policies.
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>> one of biggest issues today is abortion. half of all pregnancies are unwanted. we are aborted go something like quarter of all pregnancies. how do you stop that? i would say prevent let's prevent them from happening. but obamacare, who is mandating we're going to cover that and not cover that. >> let's get away from politics, this recommendation came about as a result of a national institute of medicine study that said this is good for women. this is good for the country. this is good for healthcare. this is not a political statement. why should we have more unwanted babies. >> and religious beliefs do not believe in contraception. >> it's just a recommendation and it's a recommendation that the insurance companies are already doing.
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private insurance companies already pay for this kind of help. >> this es seemed panel or council did not take into consideration the costs, what it is going to cost taxpayers. >> you want a choice, in medical care you want a choice. here is somebody who doesn't want the choice, great, but if if you think you need an insurance plan for lung cancer go ahead and do it. >> heather: you may not have a choice if you wanted an actual physical book. borders going belly-up. the company going to bankruptcy court. book buyers are looking for one final purchase are feeling no joy. >> it's sad. we need more book stores around. >> heather: the ceo says they lost the fight against e-readers
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so book is danger of becoming extinct? >> my husband is a publisher and he has a print out a book any place, any time. i don't think books are going the way of the dodo bird. books are here to stay. i love borders and i know they are important all over the country but you know, when you are the only one going out of business at this point, it makes a statement about bad management. people want to read books. >> it's expensive to run these big stores, employees, the land and rent you have to pay. e-books but the financial aspect of the business in general because it's so much easier to buy books online now. >> they were whining about this and same people said the guttenberg bible, hand painted
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and people said, this is terrible for the oral tradition. it goes way back. >> and entertainment jennifer lopez and marc anthony, some researchers there may be an equation behind their break-up. we'll tell you about it. s young. but i was still taking a risk with my cholesterol. anyone with high cholesterol may be at increased risk of heart attack. diet and exercise weren't enough for me. i stopped kidding myself. i've been eating healthier, exercising more, and now i'm also taking lipitor. if you've been kidding yourself about high cholesterol, stop. along with diet, lipitor has been shown to lower bad cholesterol to 60 percent. lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in patits who have heart diase or risk factors for heart disease. [ female annncer ] lipitor is not for evyone, including people with liver problems and women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems.
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>> heather: new survey on what we could not live without for a month. majority of men and women they agreed on the importance of sleep and internet but they differed on a third item. women chose showers and guess what the men said. our power panel is back. thanks for sticking around. what did the men say, are we surprised? >> not surprised at all. listen women like good. >> if you are not going to have a shower, the other doesn't matter. >> idea of choosing internet over a shower, i'm not there. [ laughter ] >> but i would like to have the shower and check my e-mail when i come out. [ laughter ] >> and it's interesting more and
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more women are taking over the kind of thing and it's a good thing. >> the amazing thing about the study, one of the things have been around for millenia, sleep but only been around 10 or 15 years, the internet. >> and hollywood for women, compared the marriage best actress and actor, best actresses were more likely than male counterparts to divorce in five years. marc anthony and jennifer lopez the latest. >> women are finally being paid enough. >> it's an economic issue. >> and what did she do for success before she married him? >> here is a list of the ones that followed victim. it's like oil --
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>> and horrible husband sandra bullock had. >> zsa-zsa gabor, went through 20 husbands. >> heather: thank you. very interesting topics today. that's for sure. gregg you have something for us. >> k.t., happy birthday. >> thank you, gregg. >> congressional leaders meet as the debt ceiling nears. live in washington with the breaking details. we'll be back in a flash. ♪
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with diabetes, it's tough to keep life balanced. i don't always have time to eat like i should. and the more i focus on everything else, the less time i have to take care of me.
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that's why i like glucerna shakes. they have slowly digestible carbs to help minimize blood sugar spikes, which can help ler a1c. glucerna products help me keep everything balanced. [ golf ubs clanking ] [ husband ] i'm good! well, almost everything. [ male announcer ] glucerna. delicious shakes and bars. helping people with diabetes find balance.
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s . hello and welcome to a new hour inside america's headquarters. >> topping the news this hour, chilling new details are emerging from the deadly terrorist attack in norway. police uncovering a 1500-page
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man gnaw -- manifesto published by the gunman. and they say the killer used specialized bullets in the masacre to cause horrific internal injuries to his victim. >> and they seem like a good ideas, but there are serious concerns that mobile medical apps could put your life at risk. details at how they are now catching the you attention of the fda. >> but we begin with new developments on debt crisis. congressional leaders are scrambling to strike a deal, but there is still none in sight. eyes are now turning to the opening of the asian stock market that is just hours away. mike emmanuel is live for us. mike, what is the latest and is there pressure building? >> heather, it feels like things are heating up at this hour. in one hour, president obama and vice president biden will meet with the democratic leader in the senate, harry reid, and nancy pelosi, the leader in the house.
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we learned senator reid prepared a fall back plan that would cut at least $2.5 trillion and would raise the debt ceiling until early 2013, and we understand there are no new revenues included. that would include no new taxes. that would be agreeable to the republicans. at this hour there is a lot of pressure building. we got this from the white house chief of staff earlier today. >> the congress must pass this. it is their responsibility to extend the debt ceiling. my sense is that in the end we may have a few stressful days coming up and stressful for the markets of the world and the american people 6789 -- the american people. in the end, there is no question that the government will not default. >> and that is in reference to the markets and they are making reference to the fact that the asian markets are about to open in a matter of a couple hours. the markets will open tomorrow morning, and there is great concern about how those
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markets hillary act to the fact that there has been no deal struck so far. heather? >> and then there are the questions about what the government will do if there is no deal. >> we know that the treasury secretary tim geithner has been meeting with president obama and has been talking with other officials about what they would do if we get to that worst case scenario, but governor geithner didn't want to talk about it. here he is on fox news sunday. >> our plan is to get congress to raise the debt ceiling. >> that's their plan. >> that's their plan and it will happen this time too. we do not have the ability, chris, to protect the american people from the consequences of congress not taking that action. >> to recap, the headline of the hour though are the key democratic leaders in congress are coming to the white house to meet with the president and the vice president in the oval office at 6:00 p.m. heather? >> thank you very much. mike emmanuel reporting from washington. thank you. >> right now lawmakers are
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scrambling behind closed doors to come up with a plan to fix the debt crisis ultimately breaking the deadlock boils to whether speaker boehner or president obama can see eye to eye. he is the editor of the seq roll call daily briefing. and thank you for being with us. if boehner does announce what is being reported as a sort of two-part framework plan, a trillion dollars in cuts of spending and then short-term increase in the debt ceiling, assuming that is what is presented, and assuming that passes the house, how would you handicap that in the senate and with the president? >> well, the odds would be that anything that can pass the house can pass the senate. the house remains number one, always has been. and you have to remember that it is a democratic house and a democratic president. i'm sorry, a democratic senate and democratic president. and whatever those two will go for, whatever the house can
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pass. and for weeks, months now, the key question has been what is the magic formula that can pass the house? it seems as though my gut tells me that the speaker is going to come out. probably what has happened is the speaker and the president have come to some sort of tentative agreement and the president is now going to explain to mrs. pelosi and senator reid what that would be, and see if they would be willing to get behind it. and again they would be encourage etd -- encouraged to get behind it if speaker boehner says he can get this one through the house. >> take a listen to tim geithner who appeared today on nose p -- appeared today on fox news sunday. >> i never thought they would take it this close to the edge and let politics get in the way of demonstrator -- demonstrating we will pay our bills on time. >> how naive is that? don't want to take it to the edge? that's what washington always
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does. >> we have seen this coming for months, really since april, since the last miniature budget crisis happened, remembering the budget crisis they fought over in april was about 5% the size of the one we are talking about now. nothing focuses the attention of politicians like a deadline , and both sides really are trying to take this to the last minute. they are both using their -- they are trying to keep their leverage in the game up until the last possible second. >> well, the ago -- acrimoney has been quite striking, especially about this. speaker boehner claims he had a deal with the president in which he would grant a huge concession of about $800 billion in new revenues which many republicans as you know are against. and then days later boehner claims the president added another $400 billion which was a deal breaker. what are you hearing? did the president sandbag boehner? >> well, the president says that's not so.
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the president and his people say this was an exchange of proposals, and it was an offer. it was not a take it or leave it. it was not a final offer. anybody who knows there is a language of this, this is my last final best offer. the president says he didn't say that. but speaker boehner presumably after hearing it we have the impression he spoke with the majority leader, mr. can'ter -- mr. cantor, they are a little bit of rivals burkts speaker boehner knows nothing will get through the house unless mr. cantor says it was okay, and he said it was not okay. but you are right. friday was ac ry money day. the headline was speaker boehner said he was walking away from the talks, but by that night he made clear he was going back to the talks on saturday, and he has been involved all weekend. it was a a day of history that now does seem to be back on track, at least they are
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talking to each other. >> the cut balance died because they could not get a vote in the senate. i was looking at poll numbers. 72% of americans favor the last part of cut cap and balance. yet the president dismisses the idea with the following words, "we don't need a constitutional amendment to tell us how to do our jobs." you have to chuckle at that. isn't it self-evident? it de demands an amendment. we haven't been able to do it without it. >> well, we haven't been able to do it without it since 1997 to 2001, but the congress has historically had plenty of times where they have balanced the budget. it is not as though the country's budget has never been balanced. it was in fact balanced on september 11th, and then many, many things happened after that to make it unbalanced. i think the president has an arguable point that the
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constitutional system is set up to allow it to happen. it has just been a lack of political will on both sides that prevented it from happening for the last 10 years. >> thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you. there is much more of the fox news sunday exclusive interview. the speaker of the house, john boehner, you may not want to miss that. chris wallace is also talking with the treasury secretary, tim geithner, right here on fox, 6:00 p.m. eastern. fox extreme weather, a welcome relief. millions are slowly getting a break, yes a break from the brutal heat. the bubble there places like washington is about to burst after days of suffering after triple-dig digit heat. the temperatures are easing back now. unfortunately the heatwave has killed more than a dozen people. deep in the heart of texas, the sun is turning up the heat in houston. the zoo apparently was a cool place. it actually snowed.
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animals and visitors are getting a chance to cool down. that looks nice. in philadelphia a dangerous situation avoided. and this is when the power went out at a senior center. listen to some of the residents describe the sweltering conditions. >> we start sweating real bad. plus we have heart trouble. my heart was beating faster. i had to get some air. >> glad to get out? >> yes. >> we had no air, electricity, fans, nothing. >> the electric goes off and the air goes off and there is nothing else to do but get out. >> trying to keep cool drinking water. can't take it. >> i don't think i have ever been anywhere hotter than that. that's ridiculous. >> the heat is unbayable. >> -- unbearable. >> quite toasty. >> after almost 12 hours of sweating it out, the electricity finally came back on. new information on the deadly twin attacks in norway. the suspect was apparently
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confessing to the bombing and shooting that left noint3 people dead -- 93 people dead and investigators are pouring over a nearly 2,000-page manifesto. it was detailing some of the intracate planning that went into this weekend's attacks on a government building and an island retreat for norwegian use. greg? >> hi, greg. they will be in court tomorrow. it has been a weird confession he made. he confesses to what happened, but he doesn't admit guilt. what his lawyer says is essentially he doesn't think what he did was a crime. now today the search for bodies continued as the death toll edges up toward 100. it would make it the worst masacre ever by a single person if in fact he was acting alone as appears to be the case. one person who had been wounded died today and there was still a handful listed as
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missing. survivors recalled an experience which was worse than any horror film you could have seen. one told us a fascinating story about a 10-year-old boy whose own father had been killed, but who managed to stand up to the gunman. >> the boy defended himself and said, "leave us alone. go away. we have had enough now. i'm too young to die." he was strong in the words, and he was so brave. it was amazing. no one had stood up to this man and said something like that, but he did, and he left. >> now there is a troubling profile emerging of him. it is plenty for the experts to look at on youtube. there is a declaration of independence for europe in which he expresses as much disgust with immigration as with those political leaders who are allowing it in europe. he wants to get his message out. police are saying he gave up when they came, and finally
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police are catching slack for the amount of time it took for them to get out to the island, but not a lot of emergency things like this happened in norway, and that's what they were saying. they don't have a helicopter on stand by. even the helicopter thees have are not equip -- the helicopters they have ary equiped. it is by ferry or by boat. >> greg burke, thank you. people in norway are mourning the losses of friends and loved ones. here at home americans of norwegians say they are also sharing their emotions. some with chilling stories about the shocking display of brutality on fellow norwegians. >> she was in one of the buildings there, the time he was going around shooting people. they put the tables in front of the doors, and they were yelling and they were trying to send a message back to friends and to say we are here, and we need help, but we
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are safe now, but they didn't know what was going to happen. >> well norway is supposed to be a good country. it is not supposed to happen in norway. >> last night i was sitting there and reading with tears in my eyes. a few weeks ago walking on the streets of oslo and it was very peaceful. never thought this would happen. >> mourners in norway reportedly traveled hundreds of miles to attend the service. and here are a few quick facts for those of us not quite as familiar with the european nation. at nearly 400,000 square miles they are just about the same size as new mexico and with nearly five million people residing there, it is almost the same population as the state of colorado. among the millions living there, they had millions currently living here at home. >> two bloody shootings in two regions.
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we start in grand prairie, texas. a man opened fire in a roller rink killing his estranged wife and four of her relatives last night. the accused gunman then shot himself. the family was holding a private birthday party for the suspect's 11-year-old son. the child was not injured. and more bloodshed at a casino nightclub in seattle. two were wounded, two critically by another gunman. the 42-year-old suspect opened fire when he spotted his wife or girlfriend in the club with another man. the suspect then tried to escape, but he was captured by a security guard. >> new developments in the mysterious death of two people at a california mansion. it involved the death of a top pharmaceutical executive. caseysegal is live. >> police are not even name --
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naming him a person of interest. but police are at least checking into his story and verifying a couple of facts. we are talking about a pharmaceutical tycoon who purchased a mansion in san diego. all along he told investigators he was not home when the body of his girlfriend was discovered on july 13th. he says he was visiting his son, max, who was in the hospital at the time being treated for injuries he sustained two days earlier for falling down the stairs. his son max later died. now radar on-line is reporting that police are trying to track down surveillance video from the children's hospital to physically place him there that morning because jonah's brother was the one who found the body of his girl friend, 32-year-old rebecca. and here is where things get bizarre. her body was discovered
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hanging from a balcony and her arms and feet bound. again police are trying to track surveillance video down at the children's hospital to verify that jonah was in fact there with his son as he has told police. >> and has that death been ruled a suicide? >> no, it has not. an autopsy has been done, but investigators are waiting on toxicology reports to come back before an official cause of death is determined. they have to test the tissues and they have to test the blood and things like that. we understand the toxicology results take about six weeks before they arey getting back to investigators. investigators by the way who have filed multiple search warrants for the mansion, obviously two deaths in a one-week period are a bit odd. authorities have not released information as to whether or not anything suspicious has been found there. meantime jonah has reportedly left california and returned
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to another home he owns in scottsdale, arizona. that's near phoenix. scottsdale incidentally the area where his pharmaceutical company he founded is based out of. >> thank you, live from l.a. we are getting word from our producers on capitol hill that the speaker of the house, john boehner, has no plan today to released any kind of a plan. the latest we are getting is that there may be a bill that he will introduce tomorrow perhaps a vote in the house of representatives on wednesday, and our producers are being told that the package will be in the form of cut cap and balance which already passed the house, but on its merits was not even allowed a vote by harry reid in the united states senate. so we will continue to keep you advised of all of the latest developments on capitol hill.
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growing concerns that global markets could tank if no deal is reach oatd debt crisis. we will have details on what that means for your money and what steps you can take right now to protect it. a murder victim's family is suing former governor arnold schwarzenegger. they claim their son's killer walked free over a political favor. our legal panel weighs in.
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bringing you back up-to-date on breaking news, thisust happening. apparently the house speaker john boehner not releasing a plan tonight. there was a conference call that happened at 4:30 this
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afternoon with house gop leaders. there is no plan coming out of that call. however, the plan is to have a bill out tomorrow afternoon. so also happening around 6:00 p.m., president obama will be meeting with harry reid and nancy pelosi. that's where the situation stands right now in terms of coming up with a way to avoid defaulting come august 2nd. the worst case scenario now, what happens if the white house and congress fail to come to terms on a debt ceiling plan before that date. it is a troubling question on the minds of a lot of americans from investors that those who run u.s. corporations. wall street is not panicking yet. it has come up with a dooms day plan should the clock run out on washington. and here to tell us about that plan and what it could mean for your retirement fund or investment port folio and rich de salvo. he is a director for morgan stanley. so what does this mean for ?us
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it depends on if you are talking about retirement money or money in savings, correct? >> that's correct. let's talk with retirement savings. i don't want people not to be able to sleep and have these things marinate trying to go to sleep and wake up to feel in panic. there is no reason to panic. i will tell you most importantly, if you look at your retire meant savings, 401k which is long-term. when you move from fund a to fund b, you are not paying tax on it. let's be prudent and be responsible for something that may or may not happen tomorrow. >> and you said and i looked through your notes and i wonder you wear the right clothes for the right occasion. i like that. >> that means inflation is coming. it doesn't mean catastrophe. it just means inflation is coming. therefore if inflation is coming your port folio should be properly dressed. let's give andcific examples. do not rush to cash.
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when you have inflation where do you put your money? it be longs in dividend paying stocks, specifically energy stock is a great place to look. it is where the gas comes through pipe -- pipelines. that's where you want to put your money. they are paying anywhere from 1% to 5% per year, and we talked about an earlier treasury, the tenure is 3%. imagine a company paying you for the right to own their stock. >> and how do you inflation proof your port folio. >> one is, one, stay in the market and two is dividends. i will cheat at my notes here a second. the third is you will want to stay short on the yield curve. what that means is don't go out and buy a 30-year corporate bond. if interest goes up the value will drop scpru stuck with a lower interest rate. you want to stay short. look inside your 401k specifically. look for dividend growth. look for the short-term bond fund. make sure it says short in front of it and no more than a
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year or two out. >> should we go out on monday and sell everything on monday morning? >> no, i don't want you to. but i want you to look closely and what i do want you to do is take your money out of small cap stocks, very important, because that will get hit the hardest. i want you to modify your account and wear the of proper weather and proper clothes. it is for the long-term, so invest for the long material. >> -- long-term. >> we have a couple more seconds. what is the most powerful tool of the 401k? >> it is dollar cost averaging. that and that means every friday when your paycheck comes you are taking a piece of the dollars and investing in the stock market so you are not caught nupt herd mentality, buy, sell, what do i do? and think about money put in every friday. it causes the account to grow and not worry about should i or should i not do something? >> so don't worry jie. do not worry. do not panic. >> end it on a positive note. thank you.
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>> let me give our viewers a quick update we are getting from our producers on capitol hill. three things happening, first boehner will not come up with a plan tonight, but maybe tomorrow. second of all, harry reid is now pursuing a back up plan, a fall back plan. he is working on a proposal of at least 2.5 trillion in debt reduction and may describe it to his caucus as soon as this evening. now, that is very interesting because in about a half an hour harry reid, the senate majority leader, the leader of the democrats in the u.s. senate and nancy pelosi, the leader of the democrats in the house are meeting at the white house with the president. that's at 6:00 eastern time. and no doubt they are talking about what we are reporting here is that he may be proposing 2.5 in debt reduction, and it would not
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include any revenue increases. and that is very interesting because that is what republicans have been demanding. and we are getting this word from trish turner, our two producers on capitol hill. and so we will continue to advise you as we get all of these breaking developments. a big let down for air travelers looking for cheap seats. bargain hunters were hoping to capitalize on the f.a.a.'s current cash deficit. but wait until you hear what the major airlines are doing to ground those hopes.
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we are getting late-breaking word from capitol hill, time is running outs to reach a debt deal. congressional leaders are scrambling to hammer something out. the news is moving very, very quickly. we go now live to washington
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for more. >> the latest as you mentioned a few minutes ago coming from the republican conference call on capitol hill is house speaker john boehner is not going to unveil a plan tonight. he will unveil some kind of a plan tomorrow, and we understand it will be along the lines of a cut cap and balance which is a measure the gop embraced and was defeated in the senate just this past week. the republicans and democrats are both crafting fall back measures in case there is no agreement on raising the debt ceiling. one source telling fox the democratic plan calls for $2.5 trillion in cuts, no revenue and raising the debt ceiling until 2013. at the same time there is a gop conference call this evening we told you about, and there is going to be a meeting at the white house at 6:00 between the president and nancy pelosi and harry reid, the two top democrats earlier in congress. speaker boehner claimed the president is playing politics by insisting the debt ceiling be raised until after his reea election campaign. -- until after his re-election campaign. >> after six months, the
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conversations with the president about doing the big deal, about taking a big step in the right direction. it is clear to me that they are just not willing to do it. the next election matters more than doing what is right for the country. >> the president and his supporters say allowing another vote in the middle a presidential election would mean a lot of political pasturing, but not a lot of prague progress. and pushing the next stage of the debt into 2013 after the election would ease market jitters. and they lay the blame on the gop for flirting with exib disaster. -- economic disaster. >> we know speaker boehner walked out of negotiations with the president not once, but twice. and the reality is if we fail to extend the debt ceiling of the united states, we will be imposing a new tax on working families and businesses across america. >> now boehner had said he
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wanted some kind of deal by tonight, but when the asian markets opened, but nothing yet, probably tomorrow. greg, back to you jie. i want to pursue with you just a bit here this breaking news that harry reid is working on a back up plan that would include $2.5 trillion in cuts in order to raise the debt ceiling, but no revenue increases. correct me if i am wrong, but all along the president and harry reid and nancy pelosi said any cuts in spending have to include corresponding revenue increases which the republicans regard as essentially net tax increases. so this would be if in fact senator reid pursues this, this would be a concession to republicans, would it not? >> well we have to wait and see what the details are and what is in that plan. presumably the immediate debt reduction would not include any revenue increase, but down the road in 2013 when we
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revisit the issue again, then we would have a commission making recommendations, a whole new round of negotiations, and we could then come up with some kind of revenue increases, tax increases, whatever the democrats want. at least that may be what they are hoping. but in the initial phase there would be no revenue increase. that may make it more palletable to get something done and to meet the deadline so they don't cause any kind of economic calamity. >> steve, thanks so much. >> you bet. >> stay here for more fox news sunday's exclusive interview with the speaker of the house john boehner as well as the treasury secretary, tim geithner with chris wallace, right here on fox 6:00 p.m. eastern time, about half an hour from now. well, when congress announced f.a.a. funding was on hold, live tee travelers thought about -- thrifty travelers thought about booking a flight on the cheap. but think again.
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they will now offset the prices to offset costs as they remain shut down. now more from washington. >> a handful of federal taxes on plane tickets just expired so that means cheap air fare for flyers everywhere, right? >> not if you are on american airlines or u.s. airways. you see, congress was not able to pass a bill to keep the f.a.a. running. the f.a.a. has to furlough 4,000 employees. and some federal taxes are now being taken off the top of ticket prices. but american airlines and the u.s. airways fliers will pay the same price even without the taxes. those carriers jacked up their fares so the prices will remain the same. and the carriers will pocket the difference southwest and air tran raised their prices by $8 a round trip. spirit airlines won't see their prices budge a penny. and on the sunday shows we heard that the big problem with the f.a.a. is purely political. >> the american people are paying a thousand dollars a ticket to people that are
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rioting from the airports with six passengers on a plane when they could drive an hour and a half to get an airplane, and we wouldn't be paying the thousand dollars. so continued waste and duplication in the federal government. >> the president's chief of staff chose to focus less on waste and more on what he sees as republicans blocking an important bill. >> this dispute between the house and senate broke down and 4,000 people were laid off on friday because of a political inability for the house and the senate to get together. the republicans and the house said it is our way or, sorry, 4,000 people are laid off. that's not the way the government is supposed to work. >> and air traffic controllers will not be affected by any of this mess. heather? >> peter reporting from washington, thank you. the job market on the skid. and they are branching off on
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their own. some are testing their business savy with promising franchises and liz -- elizabeth is live with the story of one determined and successful entrepreneur. hi, elizabeth. >> hi. that's right. promising is right. as the economy continues to improve, the number of franchises across the nation is also growing. experts say right around 3% in 2011, and that trans -- translates to thousands of jobs. we spoke with one expert who says a tough economy is not the worst thing that could have happened to the industry because it weeded out the weaker quality business owners. >> i am looking for a system in place, but make sure that it manages the standards across the board be it the quality of education we are providing, the safety of the children so all of these mechanisms are in place.
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that helps me. i know that what i may miss is something that the franchise is supporting me with. >> that woman who we met said that she opened up that business about a year ago. she has always wanted to own her own business, but she was a sophomore engineer and an nba student. she didn't exactly have the background that set her up in the education sector. it wasn't until she met somebody from the goddard school program where they set her up with a successful business model, one that will succeed in this tough economy. here is what one marketing expert told us. >> the shift that happened is the economy has definitely taken a nose-dive. it was going up, up, up. you went to the bank, got your financing, bingo, you are in. what started happening is now the banks started shutting off and the peak where everybody -- where everything was starting to sink, only the elite were let into the
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system. >> now, there are 3 -- there are 370 of these schools across the nation. they keep improving themselves time and time again. the u.s. entrepreneur magazine they were named the best franchise. so it shows this model is truly working. >> thanks very much. former governor arnold schwarzenegger of california is back in the spotlight. a california family is now suing the exgov. why they are claiming a political favor is leading to the early released -- release of their son ho pled guilty to manslaughter.
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a convicted killer seems to have caught a huge break. in one of his last acts as governor arnold schwarzenegger reduced what would have been a
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16-year sentence behind bars to just seven years. and now a judge is giving a green light to the victim's family allowing a lawsuit against both the former governor and the state of california to move forward. estevan nunez was accused of stabing a college student in 2008. turns out nunez is the son of a former assembly speaker, fabian nunez, a major supporter of schwarzenegger during his campaign. now the slain victim's family is suing over the governor's decision and accusing him of making it for political reasons. former prosecutors and turned defense attorney joey jackson and david schwartz. david, does the family have a legitimate complaint? they argue that, wait a minute. a law was passed in 2008 that requires the governor to first contact victims' families, and he didn't do it, if he is going commute a sentence. >> it is very clear he did not
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follow the process. the santos family deserved justice. they got justice during this trial. they lost their son. it was a horrible tragedy, and this does not pass the smell test. it doesn't pass the smell test to give the assembly speaker's son this advantage that most people that the majority -- the far majority of people do not have. >> i wonder if the killer's dad was not speaker of the house and friend of arnold schwarzenegger, and we have seen a bunch of pictures of the two paling around -- do we have that picture? put it up on the screen. here they are paling around. they are buddies. i wonder if they are not buddies and it was just an -- and if he was an average joe if the sentence was commuted. >> let's talk politics. one was arnold schwarzenegger and the other was elected speaker of the house. so you are from different parties. >> they supported one another. >> they did. but we can argue every day and all day.
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let's look at the politics. some argue that there was no trial. some argue it was because he pled guilty and was the former speaker's son that the judge o'neil decided to be harsh on him and give him 16 years which by the way was contrary to what the judge indicated at the outset. >> a person died. >> no doubt. but others argue as a result of politics it is getting reduced. which way are you going to have it? let's take about the law. the governor has an executive prerogative. the governor has a prerogative to do what the governor does. it could be governor jarod or governor schwarzenegger may decide differently on the merits of the case. if the governor is the governor we candice agree and argue what the governor did, but this is what he did and felt it was appropriate and lawful and appropriate. >> i think it is an illogical argument you are making. it does not pass the smell test, number one. you can't give an advantage to the assembly speaker. this is a manslaughter case. the santos family deserved justice.
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what does this mean to the santos family that the governor did not -- >> clarify something for me. the family is saying, wait a minute. the legislature passed marcy's law in 2008, and they say that requires the governor under the law to first notify them. they didn't. they say the come mutation should be vacated. >> it does no such thing. it was done as a constitutional amendment and taken to the voter had. the victim felt they should have some rights. the victim's right of notification. when the defendants are guilty or plead guilty, victims should come and have their day in court. it is a constitutional meament and into law that there should be some notification. that does not apply to a governor executive decision. >> then what is the point of the law? >> the point of the law is the post release decisions that affect the courts of law and probation when you are coming before probation departments in order to be released. it does not apply to the
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governor. >> the point of the law is to give the santos family a say in the process. this is the victim's family. you are about to take a 16-year sentence and abuse that family by giving that defendant a 7-year sentence. the .-- the point of this law is to give them a say. >> joey, are you a prosecutor and one of the things you are careful about is being concerned about the feelings and the opinions of the victim and the victim's family. >> absolutely. >> and by the way, greg, i want to make sure that is clear. i am earn cked about the victims and the victims have a right to be upset. they have a right to voice their say and a right to be annoyed by this. however, when you look at the law, the governor has the sole authority. we don't let the public decide whether the governor will commute a sentence, whether the governor is going to decide to revoke a par dense. that is a governor- elected decision. >> the right to be annoyed? they lost their son. and this sentence is being reduced for political reasons.
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that is unconscionable. >> we can play on emotions all day long. they lost a son and that is a horrific thing. by the way, he did not kill the son. he was involved in a fight. he did not stab the fatal blow that killed this person. >> it was manslaughter. >> this is not about an emotional argument. i am -- on the law it is the governor's decision. we candice agree he did so lawfully. >> who involved the victim's family in the decision jiecht you guys are very passionate about this, but you are friends. >> of course, we are. joey jackson and david schwartz, thank you for talking about this. >> are there apps you may on your cell phone or electronic device? find out more about that next.
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we want to give you the latest on where we stand on the debt negotiations. they say no deal today, but he hopes to announce a bill tomorrow. meanwhile the house minority leader nancy pelosi and harry reid are set to arrive at the white house for a meeting with president obama and it is scheduled at 6:00 p.m. there is a fall back plan of
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$2.5 trillion in debt reduction. all of this as we await reaction in the overseas markets. the asian futures should be coming in at anytime now. it is a fast-breaking story. all right, you probably know this. there is an app for just about everything these days including health issues and that is catching the attention of the fda and food and drug administration who now want to lay down guidelines for mobile medical apps es -- especially those who could endanger lives if not used correctly. >> and now dr. carolyn cromwell at mount sinai hospital in new york city. thank you for joining us. >> so over 17,000 medical apps, are they official? >> there are many medical apps. an app is official once you can use it and access it. what the fda is concerned
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about is a small number of apps that can turn your ipad into a medical device. >> which are we talking about here? >> well, before let's get to the ones we are not talking about. we are not talking about the ones that help with calorie control, monitoring their blood glucose levels or helping doctors. i love the ipad. we can access the medical information from it, and we can use it as a translator tool. >> you have one right there. >> i wanted to show you a great one here that can help us communicate with patients when we can't get a real translator. say i am speaking with a spanish patient and asking them about their chest pain. these are amazing, innovative things. but what the fda is looking at are the types of i pads that can turn it into a medical device. the fda regulates the medical devices, so this includes appsthat can turn your ipad into a blood pressure monitor. you can add connections and it will check your blood pressure. it can transmit blood glucose
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readings straight from your machine to the ipad. you can get to the point where doctors are interpreting ekg's from the ipad. >> i would want to know these are being regulated. >> and is the fda regulating anything right now? >> they are starting a draft document to look at this and to understand what we can regulate. we don't want this taking up too much time or too much money. this is amazing innovation for doctors and patients. we need to be sure it is accessible. >> are you worried the government intervention may actually stop the progress the technology is giving you as a doctor and helping patients? >> that is a concern. we need to address that to make sure the process for this is stream lined. it doesn't take so much time for these great amazing apps to get to the patients or doctors to use. >> are we able to do cardiac ekg's in our apps and so forth?
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>> that is coming down the line. there is an app where you can hold your ipad across your chest and it can read your heart rate jie. you are kidding. how does it do that? >> sensors on the back of the ipad will help read the rhythm. >> but important if somebody is using an app like you are talking about to make sure it is as we get to it, fda approved. >> that's right. there should be a regulation like the devices at a hospital would be regulated, it should be regulated through the use of your ipad. >> that would be so difficult. 17,000 apps, that will be hard. >> it is hard for people to choose. you are very optimistic about the advancements we are making. >> i am optimistic. it is great technology for the patients and doctors. >> thanks for sharing it with us. >> thanks. >> appreciate it. and that is it for us. fox news sunday with chris wallace is next. >> his interview with the
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treasury secretary as well as john boehner, the speaker of the house. you don't want to miss it. that's next. have a great week, everybody. bye-bye.
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